- 工商注册号:913702007504203545
- 法定代表人:Hiroshi Shimizu
- 成立日期:2003-07-3022年
- 注册资本:40万(美元)
- 企业类型:有限责任公司(港澳台法人独资)
- 登记状态:开业
- 登记机关:青岛市前湾保税港区市场监管局
- 注册住所:山东省青岛市保税港区东京路50号(A)
- 经营范围:水果制品(水果干制品)(分装)、蔬菜制品(蔬菜干制品冷冻干燥蔬菜、热风干燥蔬菜【脱水蔬菜】【分装】)、蜜饯(分装)(草莓蜜饯、蓝莓蜜饯、蔓越莓蜜饯、猕猴桃蜜饯、桃蜜饯、木瓜蜜饯、芒果蜜饯、菠萝蜜饯、酸樱桃蜜饯、苹果蜜饯)(分装)、方便食品(其他方便食品【粮谷类方便食品】)、饮料(固体饮料类)的生产、批发和进出口(全国工业产品生产经营许可证 有效期限以许可证为准)。国际贸易、转口贸易、区内企业之间贸易及贸易项下加工整理;技术进出口(以上范围国家规定需专项审批的项目除外)。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)。
乔瑟食品是世界知名的冻干水果与汤用面包块供应商,总部位于英国,在世界多地如法国、美国、中国设有分支机构与生产基地,其产品销往全球30多个国家。目前全球拥有员工650余人。 青岛乔瑟食品有限公司是乔瑟集团在中国大陆的*全资子公司,负责亚太区冻干水果与蔬菜、蜜饯水果和面包块的产品开发、生产与销售。加工基地位于青岛黄岛保税区和临沂市。 乔瑟专注于冻干水果。冻干工艺仅仅移除了原料中的水分,因此保留了水果的颜色、形状和营养,零添加,口感酥脆,天然浓郁,保质期长,密度低重量小,所以可以广泛地应用于各种食品中如糖果和巧克力、饮料、麦片、零食、烘焙食品和即食食品等。乔瑟可提供品种丰富的水果产品,同时规格多样化如整颗、片、丁、碎和粉。 我们坚持不懈地管控质量,并致力持续改进。我们始终秉承精诚合作、持续创新的理念,为每一位客户提供高品质配料及产品、量身定做专属个性化解决方案,为您的产品提高溢价能力,不断提升品牌价值。 Chaucer Food is the world’s famous supplier of Freeze Dried Fruits and Crouton. It’s headquarter locates in UK and set up offices and manufacturing sites worldwide in France, USA, China, etc. Chaucer’s products are sold to more than 30 countries. Currently Chaucer has more than 650 dedicated employees globally. Chaucer Foods (Qingdao) Co.,Ltd is its only subsidiary in China mainland. It’s main business is developing, manufacturing and selling Freeze Dried Fruits and Vegetables, Infused Fruits and Croutons in Asian-Pacific region. The factories are located in Huangdao Free Trade Zone in Qingdao and Linyi. Chaucer focus on Freeze dried fruit. Freeze dried technology only moves water so remains natural bright original color, shape, nutrients, fl*or, and Freeze dried fruit and vegetable has crunchy mouth feel, low moisture, long shelf life, low density. Hence, It can be well applied in Bakery food, Confectionary, Beverage, Cereal, Snack, Fast Food, etc. Chaucer produces plentiful variety of freeze dried fruits and different specification such as whole, slice, dice and powder. Our focus on quality is relentless and our commitment to continuous improvement ingrained. The promise we make to customer is that we will provide ingredient, product and solutions which add real value, through collaboration, innovation and an unw*ering commitment to product quality and customer service.
- 经营模式:生产企业
- 主营产品:
冻干水果 冻干蔬菜 糖渍水果 面包块 冻干果汁粉 冻干草莓 冻干蓝莓 冻干蔓越莓 冻干苹果 冻干青柠 冻干香蕉 冻干桃杏
- 成立时间:2003年
- 注册资本:40w
- 员工人数:101-500人