- 工商注册号:91310114785883535G
- 法定代表人:王文龙
- 成立日期:2006-03-0319年
- 注册资本:500万(人民币)
- 企业类型:有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
- 登记状态:存续
- 登记机关:嘉定区市场监管局
- 注册住所:嘉定区南翔镇科盛路1002号9幢东侧
- 经营范围:机械设备及配件的生产、加工、销售、租赁,电器配件的生产、加工、销售,五金加工,机械设备安装(除特种设备)。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】
上海锦竹机械设备有限公司主要从事均质机的科研、设计、生产、销售和服务,其骨干成员均有近三十年均质机专业研制、生产经验。锦竹均质机经过全新设计,彻底改进了传统的设计理念,在外观、操作、使用、维护、性价比方面更优于传统的产品,并很快得到了市场的充分认可。目前娃哈哈、养元、旺旺、伊利、蒙牛、银鹭、汇源等多家国内*企业在多个生产基地使用。并已出口美国、韩国、巴西、俄罗斯、孟加拉等国。锦竹公司不断超越自我的精神必定能为您生产出品质更优、品位更高的产品。 公司2012年落成的生产基地占地二十五亩,紧靠上海*的淡水湖——淀山湖旁,距虹桥枢纽只有二十公里,交通十分方便。 锦竹公司将一如既往提供更加优质的服务,同时,将不断推出更优质的均质机产品。 欢迎您莅临参观、指导! Shanghai Jinzhu Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. is a professional company that is specialized in the homogenizer’s scientific research, design, manufacture, sale and service. The most of engineering & administration persons ha ve over twenty years experience of homogenizer. Some of them ha ve more than thirty years of experience in homogenizer’s scientific research and design. There are over 200 kinds of "JZH" series of homogenizers designed again. The new “JZH” homogenizers are more superior than the older ones on appearance, operating, maintenance, quality and so on. Nowadays, all the famous dairy and beverage companies in China select Jinzhu’s homogenizers. We believe that the “JZH” homogenizers can help you to produce more excellent productions. In core pieces, our company cooperates with several famous graduate schools in China, and material of core pieces are by a particular technics process. It reaches the international advanced level. Our company is nearby Dianshanhu which is the biggest Freshwater lake in Shanghai. It covers a total area of over 15000 sqm, and closes to Hongqiao Transportation Hub just about 20 kilometers. It’s convenient transportation. Our company will always offer the best services and the best quality products. Welcome all new and old customers visit us and guide and talk over the business.
- 经营模式:生产企业
- 主营产品:
实验型均质机 三柱塞式均质机 琴式启动柜 四柱塞式均质机 立式启动柜 五柱塞均质机 饮料均质机 牛奶均质机
- 成立时间:2006年
- 注册资本:500万w
- 员工人数:51-100人